International Journal of Education and Development using ICT

The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) is an e-journal that provides free and open access to all of its content. via I’ve recently discovered this international journal and I will bookmark it today for future reference. Posted via web from the material…

RE: ICT As An Education Tool: Plotting A Positive Outcome | HYS Topic Of the Day

ICT is just a tool (just like whiteboards) that can be utilized for education. via I do agree with Ragexiii, that ICT are merely tools and that they can be used for education just like other older technologies (like whiteboards and books) have been used for teaching and learning…

RE: We Have to Stop Doing This to Teachers | Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech

I’ve been commenting on a blog post by Dean Shareski who is a Digital Learning Consultant with the Prairie South School Division in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. I’d love to know what you think about my ideas and speculations… So please leave me a comment below… Hi Dean, I’m a…

RE: Designing for anticipation, Teaching for anticipation | Punya Mishra’s Web

So what does this mean for teaching? First, everything we do as educators needs a larger goal (the big picture as it were). Too often we get lost in the minutia of of the project and forget the broader, overarching frame. The structure of our lessons, our semester, our mini-activities…

RE: Ruben R. Puentedura’s Weblog: Technology, Change, and Process

The slides from my presentation at the 2009 ACTEM Conference are now online, and can be downloaded here. This is the original description for this session: As new technologies appear, how do users react, and why? We will merge Don Ihde’s work with TPCK/SAMR to answer this, and develop practical…

Christine Brockmeyer’s story about her personal (non) experiences with computers in education

I strongly recommend reading this blog post by Christine Brockmeyer on her personal (non) experiences with computers in education. Dat Erliefniss mam Computer am “Communication visuelle” Kuer wat d’Christine eis héi beschréift, weisst ganz schein, dass de fait de Computer als creation tool anzesetzen direkt, quasi automatesch och eng aaner…

Using a Visual Metaphor to Illustrate the BScE1 Internship

I’ve been thinking about using a set of visually rich illustrations to graphically represent a metaphor of the requirements we ask our BScE1 students to fulfill (BScE1 = 1 Semester of the Bachelor in Educational Sciences study program). We actually want them to develop into “reflective practitioners” combining two different…

Meng Äntwert op “vb 118: A. Lulling mat Reaktioun op Uni Lëtzbg (Kies) a Mme Rachida Dati (25-09-09)”

My comments to Madame Astrid Lulling’s Video Blog 118: Dat kann an därf een als chercheur net einfach onkommentéiert loosen… an dofir hun ech och der Madame Lulling meng Meenung geschriwen… d’ailleurs den Titel vun hierer Sendung ass misleading… si gréift d’ guer net un, mee ee Fuerscher an dann…

RE: Behaviorism: Text 1-6 – Comparison | Emma de Lang’s Blog

Ech huen dei texter an der reihenfoleg gelies wei se um moodle stungen, an dat huet dofir gesuergt das ech beim läschten text e bessi verwonnert war. Dei eischt 5 texter gungen empfong iwwert dei verschieden aspekter vum behaviorismus. Dei eing gungen bessi mei iwwert den behaviorimus am algemengen an…

RE: Vergleich Texte 1-6 und persönliche Meinung | Elisa Bucarini’s blog

Die meisten Texter handelten darüber, wie es zum Behaviorismus gekommen ist, welcher die Gründer davon waren und wer was bewirkt hat. Auf der anderen Seite gingen verschiedene Texte mehr ins Detail, z.B. wie Behaviorismus eingeteilt ist, welche Unterkategorien es davon gibt. Dann gab es noch die Zusammenfassung des Buchs von…