I’m very happy about a recent book that I discovered thanks to my wife: Remo H. Largo’s (2010) “Lernen geht anders. Bildung und Erziehung vom Kind her denken”; actually because it starts with some 20 introductory pages where Largo convincingly shows how society has dramatically changed during the last 20-30…
Category: EdTech1
Educational Technology
Doug Woods on “Good Teachers Don’t Need Technology”
Doug Woods (ICT in Schools) has blogged about why he thinks that it’s inappropriate the say that “good teachers don’t need technology” and he goes into some details here: http://doug-woods.blogspot.com/2010/06/good-teachers-dont-need-technology.html I’ve tried to post a comment on his blog, but so far it didn’t appear there, so I’d like to use…
Technology-Enhanced Literacy Instruction
I’ve just finished exploring the “technology-enhanced literacy instruction” literature and creating a prezi presentation file about it, that I will share will our educational sciences bachelor students (4th year: “Younger”). I’m heavily relying on the TPACK Model (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) to structure this presentation. I have also introduced the…
Online Writing Tool: Spellchecker for Luxembourgish
Thanks to Michèle Klecker I’ve just discovered an interesting Online Writing Tool, that allows you to check the spelling of text written in Luxembourgish. Even though the authors of this tool claim that it’s not meant to be a learning tool, I do think that it is a tool for learning,…
eLearning is about eConversation, not eDelivery
I’ve been thinking and reflecting a lot over the last years about the benefits and pitfalls of iTunesU and the like and the views that many university administrators have on eLearning… thinking that recording all lectures and putting them online will yield more and better student learning… I beg to…
Christine Brockmeyer’s story about her personal (non) experiences with computers in education
I strongly recommend reading this blog post by Christine Brockmeyer on her personal (non) experiences with computers in education. Dat Erliefniss mam Computer am “Communication visuelle” Kuer wat d’Christine eis héi beschréift, weisst ganz schein, dass de fait de Computer als creation tool anzesetzen direkt, quasi automatesch och eng aaner…
Blogging Students
I’ve instructed half of my BScE students that they will have to use their “professional” blog @ blog.bsce.uni.lu for their assignments, autonomous studies, homeworks and other tasks… and I’m very curious to see how they will manage to learn how to use this technology tool and how they will make…
EdTech1 – Seminar 1: The Tech Breakdown
Today I started a newly redesigned course in our Bachelor in Educational Sciences study program called 1.6.2 Introduction to Educational Technology. And I had prepared two very nice and beautiful keynotes with inserted movies, etc. But, in a very tragically comical way (this year again), I had some technical issues,…
Many Eyes – Quickly Create Visual / Graphical Representations
I’ve just “discovered” MANY EYES (thanxs Kristina!) an online tool developed by IBM that allows everybody to generate graphical representations of numerical data – without too much trouble! It’s really a nice tool that follows my motto: keep IT simple! Explore it yourself! It’s really worthy IT… and yopu may…
Cell Phones in the Classroom, New Wikipedia Guidelines, Steam Car Redux, and Artificial Trees | PRI’s The World
via theworld.org Clark Boyd interviews Greg Kulowiec, a high school teacher at Plymouth South High School in Plymouth, MA, USA, who is using all sorts of new technologies as learning and teaching tools in his very classroom… This is a very nice USE CASE example. Posted via web from the…