EduTrends2024 Impulsried

Am Kader vun der 2: Editioun vun der EduTrends Konferenz hat ech d’Éier eng Impulsried ze halen: D’Digitaliséierung ass ee Mega-Trend an eisem Liewen. Et kënnt ee kaum drëm rëm z’erkennen, datt villes, wat mir am Alldag maachen, verännert gouf duerch digital Informatiouns- a Kommunikatiounstechnologien. Innovatiounsfuerscher schwätzen hei souguer vun…

Digitales Lernen in der Corona-Krise: „Spannende Zeit der Reflexion“- Interview with WOXX’s Tessie Jakobs

Seit 15 Jahren ist Bob Reuter an der Universität Luxemburg als Dozent für Psychologie tätig. Wir haben mit ihm über Homeschooling, digitale Lehrmethoden und soziale Ungleichheiten gesprochen.

Starting a new online learning experience with the MOOC: “l’APP, une pédagogie active”

I’ve started to take another massive open online course, this time to update my competencies in the domain of “higher education pedagogy”. I’m really looking forward to this course, because it will serve me directly in my daily teaching activities and because I know some of the people who developed…

Acting as “expert on learning with new media” on national TV

I recently had the opportunity to help Mr Science to prepare his show on Memory and the Use of New Media, aired on national TV, RTL TeleLëtzebuerg on Sunday, 5th June 2016:

Serving on the Editorial Review Board of the AACE

I’m happy to announce that I’ve been accepted as a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) for two journals: the Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST), the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH). Looking forward to this new opportunity…