
I’m an Assistant Professor at the University of Luxembourg.

I’ve earned a PhD in Psychological and Educational Sciences at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium in 2013 under the supervision of Prof. Dr Axel Cleeremans.

I have always been interested in the integration of ICT in education, especially the strategic use of technology in teaching. With the advent of the digital revolution, I became interested in exploring the socio-cultural changes in learning caused by the use of digital technologies.

My research interests are related to Educational Technology and Learning Sciences. My current research focuses on the subjective theories of learning held by teachers and how these influence their use of ICT in the classroom. I am particularly interested in identifying factors that enable or hinder the use of ICT in teaching, and how these factors can be addressed.

I have mainly been teaching in the Bachelor in Educational Sciences since 2005, as a senior lecturer. Over the years, I have been involved in training future primary school teacher in a variety of domains, mainly Educational Technology,  Empirical Research in Education and Learning Sciences, as well as tutoring them during their school-based internships and while working on their bachelor thesis. I have broad experience with various forms of active pedagogy approaches, including problem-based, project-based, and design-research approaches. My goal has been to help my future teacher students to integrate technology into their future teaching practices in a way that enhances their future pupils’ engagement and learning outcomes.

Meet the Scientist: Bob Reuter (video produced by FNR.LU)

I use this blog to collect, document, reflect, share and discuss my thoughts on a variety of subjects I’m interested in, like “teaching and learning with digital technology”, “learning theories”, “evolutionary psychology”, “social media”, “ICT”, “digital age”, “digital natives”.

The views expressed here are my views and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Université du Luxembourg or any subpart of it, in anyway whatsoever. Unless otherwise specified.

See my academic profile page or my other web presences for further details.

Dr Robert A.P. REUTER
Assistant Professor in Educational Technology

Department of Education and Social Work
Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
University of Luxembourg | www.uni.lu

email: robert.reuter@uni.lu
phone: +352 46 66 44 9487

Université du Luxembourg – Campus Belval
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette
Room: MSH 3.241

Université du Luxembourg – Campus Belval
2, avenue de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette