Books: Theses
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2013). Direct and Indirect Measures of Learning in Visual Search. Doctoral Thesis under the direction of Professor Axel Cleeremans (Université libre de Bruxelles). Bruxelles: Université libre de Bruxelles.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (1999). Overall mate attractiveness: Towards a Computational Metaphor of Human Mate Choice. Postgraduate Thesis in Cognitive Science under the direction of Professor Robert M. French (Université de Liège). Bruxelles, Belgique: Université libre de Bruxelles.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (1998). Sex differences in verbal and visuo-spatial abilities: study of cross-modality effects (French manuscript). Psychological Sciences Licentiate Thesis under the direction of Professor José Junça de Morais (Université libre de Bruxelles). Bruxelles, Belgique: Université libre de Bruxelles.
Books: Edited Volumes
- Reuter, R.A.P. (Hrsg.). (2010). Eine letzte Begegnung mit Lew Wygotski. Walferdange: Université du Luxembourg. Available as print-in-demand book and PDF-download from:
- Reuter, R.A.P. (Hrsg.). (2009). Auf den Spuren Lew Wygotskis. Walferdange: Université du Luxembourg. Available as print-on-demand book and PDF-download from:
- Reuter, R.A.P. (Hrsg.). (2008). Auf der Suche nach Lew Wygotski. Walferdange: Université du Luxembourg. Available as print-on-demand book and PDF-download from:
- Reuter, R.A.P. (Ed.). (2007). A la rencontre de Lev Vygotsky. Walferdange: Université du Luxembourg. Available as print-on-demand book and PDF-download from:
Books: Chapters
- Hau, D., Reuter, R., Drews, O. M., & Houssemand, C. (2024). Bridging theory and practice: A comprehensive model for AI acceptance among secondary school teachers, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Nicosia, North Cyprus, Cyprus, pp. 292-294.
- Ivanishchenko, K., Busana, G., & Reuter, R. A. (2024). Understanding factors affecting fundamental school teachers’ use of technology in Luxembourg through a survey study. Heliyon, 10(7), e28704.
- Ivanishchenko, K., Busana, G. & Reuter, R. (2023). Value of Technology in Education: Exploring Factors Associated with Value Beliefs of Fundamental School Teachers in Luxembourg through a Survey Study. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 326-334). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Reuter, R., Reeff, A. & Busana, G. (2023). Internships in Times of Crisis: Collaborative production of instructional videos at a distance. EAPRIL Conference Proceedings, 133-142.
- Parmentier, Y., Reuter, R., Higuet, S., Kataja, L., Kreis, Y., Duflot-Kremer, M., Laduron, C., Meyers, C., Busana, G., Weinberger, A. & Denis, B. (2020). PIAF: Developing Computational and Algorithmic Thinking in Fundamental Education. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 315-322). Online, The Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Wernbacher, T., Reuter, R.A.P., Denk, N., Pfeiffer, A., König, N., Fellnhofer, K., Grixti, A., Bezzina, S. & Jannot, E. (2020). Create Digital Games for Education: Game Design as a Teaching Methodology. ICERI2020 Proceedings, 3383-3392.
- Grévisse, C., Rothkugel, S. & Reuter, R.A.P. (2019). Scaffolding support through integration of learning material. Smart Learn. Environ., 6(28), doi:10.1186/s40561-019-0107-0
- Gómez Bravo, R., Lygidakis, C., Feder, G., Reuter, R. A. P. & Vögele, C. (2019). Family Violence Curricula in Europe (FAVICUE): a cross-sectional descriptive study protocol. BMJ Open, 9(2), e024519.
- Thoss, J. & Reuter, B. (2016). Fostering Reflective Thinking About Information In 5th Graders With Blogs: How Helpful Are Learning Supports? EAPRIL Conference Proceedings, 246-257.
- Hornung, C., Brunner, M., Reuter, R. A. P. & Martin, R. (2011). Children’s working memory: Its structure and relationship to fluid intelligence. Intelligence, 39(4), 210-221. doi: 16/j.intell.2011.03.002.
- Linckels, S., Kreis, Y., Reuter, R.A.P., Dording, C., Weber, C. & Meinel, C. (2009). Teaching with Information and Communication Technologies: Preliminary Results of a Large Scale Survey. Proceedings SIGUCCS Fall’09, ACM Press, St Louis, MO, USA.
- Hoeppner, K.D.C., Busana, G., Max C. & Reuter, R.A.P. (2009). Integrating ICT in Pre-service Teacher Training. ED-MEDIA 2009 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 1958-1963, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2001). Cats could be dogs, but dogs could not be cats: What if they bark and mew? Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 833-838, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2024). Kënschtlech Intelligenz (KI) an der Schoul: Den Dram vun all Schüler? Den Albdram vun all Enseignant? A wat bedeit dat fir Elteren? [invited keynote speech]. Soirée d’information organisée par l’Association des Parents d’Elèves du Lycée du Nord, 27th February, Wiltz, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2024). Teaching as a Design Science [invited keynote speech]. Wissenschaft interaktiv erleben, 25th January, Walferdange, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2024, January 18). The impact of Al on Education: The challenges of the futures [invited round table panelist]. Final conference of the AI4T project “Empowering teachers in the age of AI”, January 18th-19th, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P.., Meyers, C. & Nijs, L. (2023, November 24). Fostering Scientific Reading and Writing Competencies in Future Teachers: A Reflection on Two Higher Education Teaching Practices. 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 22rd–24th, Belfast, United Kingdom.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2023). L’intelligence artificielle (IA) à l’école: Le rêve des élèves et le cauchemar des enseignant.e.s? Quid des parents? [invited keynote speech]. Table Ronde organisée par l’Association des Parents d’Elèves du Lycée Aline Mayrisch, 19th October, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2023). ChatGPT et l’avenir de l’éducation: opportunités et défis. Apéro Pédagogique du Lycée des Arts et Métiers, 28th April, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2023). Project Based Learning – A Teaser: Sharing my knowledge & wisdom about a teaching approach that I do practice a lot. Journée Pédagogique du Lycée Technique Agricole, 19th April, Gilsdorf, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R., Reeff, A. & Busana, G. (2022, November 24). Internships in Times of Crisis: Collaborative production of instructional videos at a distance. 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 23rd–25th, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Reuter, R., & Busana, G. (2021, December 07). Create Digital Games for Education: a tool to create digital learning games in your classroom. Paper presented at Video Games as a Field for Multidisciplinary Research, Belval, Luxembourg.
- Hennico, J., Reuter, R.A.P. & Weinberger, A. (2021, November 24). Factors Affecting the Teaching of Computational Thinking in Fundamental Schools: A Path Analysis. 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 24th–26th, Online.
- Reuter, R.A.P., Reeff, A. & Busana, G. (2020, November 13). Formation à la pratique d’enseignement en temps de crise sanitaire: Conception, production et diffusion de vidéos pédagogiques à distance. Paper presented at 4e colloque international, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Wernbacher, T., Reuter, R.A.P., Denk, N., Pfeiffer, A., König, N., Fellnhofer, K., Grixti, A., Bezzina S. & Jannot, E. (2020). Create Digital Games for Education: Game Design as a Teaching Methodology. 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, November 9th-10th, Online.
- Busana, G., Denis, B., Duflot-Kremer, M., Higuet, S., Kataja, L., Kreis, Y., Laduron, C., Meyers, C., Parmentier, Y., Reuter, R. & Weinberger, A. (2020, February 06). PIAF : développer la Pensée Informatique et Algorithmique dans l’enseignement Fondamental. Poster session presented at Didapro 8 – DidaSTIC: L’informatique, objets d’enseignements – enjeux épistémologiques, didactique et de formation, Lille, France.
- Nosbusch, C. & Reuter, R.A.P. (2019, November 29). Incidental Video-Based Foreign Language Learning in Young Children: A Pilot Study in Home Settings.14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, Tartu, Estonia.
- Reuter, R. & Busana, G. (2019, November 27). Dreaming of Constructivist Technology Integration Strategies in Future Teacher Students. 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, Tartu, Estonia.
- Busana, G. & Reuter, R. (2019, November 22). Au-delà du cours magistral: Vers des apprentissages autonomes et collaboratifs basés sur de « grandes questions ». Paper presented at 3ème colloque de l’AUPTIC, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Busana, G. & Reuter, R. (2018, November 23). Préparer les futurs enseignants à l’utilisation stratégique des TICE: Une approche par projet. Paper presented at Colloque 2018, Bienne, Switzerland.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Busana, G. (2018). Moving beyond the Lecture: Towards Collaborative Inquiry-Based Learning with Big Questions. 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 12th-14th, Portorož, Slovenia.
- Reuter, R.A.P., Meyers, C. & Busana, G. (2018). Evaluation à l’ère du numérique: continuité ou rupture? Actes du 30e colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe, January 10-12, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Busana, G. (2017). Preparing Future Teachers for Strategic Uses of Educational Technology: A Project-Based Approach. 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 29-December 1st, Hämeenlinna, Finland.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Schreiber, C. (2017). Lived Histories of Science Education in Modern Luxembourg: Interactions between Global Policies, National Curriculum and Local Practices. 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, August 21-25, Dublin, Ireland.
- Reuter, R.A.P., Busana, G. & Linckels, S. (2016). Exploring the uses of ICT in education: A national survey study. 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 22-25, Porto, Portugal. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30999.57761
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Busana, G. (2016). The use of iPads in Kindergarten: An exploratory survey study. Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology: Connect, Collaborate, Create, September 6-8, Warwick, UK.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2016). New Learning Spaces. 10th Leonardo Summer School of the University of Luxembourg, July 8th, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2016). Towards a strategic integration of digital technologies into classrooms [Invited Keynote Speech]. Game Based Learning to Alleviate Early School Leaving (GBL4ESL) Seminar, June 22nd, Santa Venera, Malta.
- Thoss, J. & Reuter, R.A.P. (2015). Fostering reflective thinking about information in 5th graders with blogs: how helpful are learning supports? 10th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, November 24-27, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.
- Schreiber, C., Siry, C., Reuter, R.A.P., Brendel, M. & Busana, G. (2015). Problematizing science as a primary school discipline: Learning from contingencies and diversities. Poster session presented at ESERA2015: 11th biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, August 31-September 4, Helsinki, Finland.
- Dondelinger, S. & Reuter, R.A.P. (2015). Un outil d’évaluation formative et de remédiation pour les cours de tableur. 27e colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe, January 28-30, Liège, Belgium.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2014). What can schools, teachers and learners learn from implicit learning research? Fourth scientific symposium of the Association for Research in Neuroeducation, May 27th, Caen, France.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2014). expériences vécues et leçons apprises. Formation au LabSET de l’Université de Liège, March 13th, Liège, Belgium.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Busana, G. (2014). Vers une intégration stratégique des technologies digitales à l’école [Invited Keynote Speech]. Weekend Pédagogique du Lycée Aline Mayrisch Luxembourg, January 31st, Weiskirchen, Germany.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Busana, G. (2013). “Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?” Zum strategischen Einsatz von mobilen Technologien im Unterricht [Invited Keynote Speech]. 2. P@dDay: Mobile Unterrichtstechnologien – praktisch, November 18th, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Weinerth, K., Reuter, R.A.P., Porro, V., Latour, T. & Martin, R. (2012). L’évaluation des compétences scientifiques au 21eme siècle : cadre conceptuel et prototypes pour une évaluation transformée-par-ordinateur. 24e colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe, January 11-13, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Hornung, C., Brunner, M., Reuter, R. A. P., & Martin, R. (2011). Working memory in 5-to-7 year-old children: Its structure and relationship to fluid intelligence. 15th European Conference in Developmental Psychology, August 23-27, Bergen, Norway.
- Wantz, M., Reuter, R., Martin R., Brunner, M. & Schiltz C. (2009). Relations between numerical and visuospatial competencies. 19th EECERA Annual Conference: “Diversities in early childhood education”, August 26-29, Strasbourg, France.
- Poncelet, D., Reuter, R., Kerger, S., Bourg, V. (2009). Becoming a teacher… Ou un portfolio de développement professionnel au centre d’un Bachelor en Sciences de l’Education à l’Université du Luxembourg. 21e colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe: «Evaluation et développement professionnel», January 21-23, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Hoeppner, K.D.C., C. Max & Reuter, R.A.P. (2009). Integrating Mahara as an e-portfolio system and social network in the BScE [slideshow]. 3nd E-Learning Conference of the Charter SarLorLux, October 30, Walferdange, Luxembourg.
- Busana, G., Reuter, R.A.P. & Schandeler. I. (2008). ICT enriched learning environments at the University of Luxembourg. 2nd E-Learning Conference of the Charter SarLorLux, May 29, Zweibrücken, Germany.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2007). Les publications et actions de l’Association des Cercles d’Etudiants Luxembourgeois (ACEL): des outils de facilitations entre les mondes de l’école, de l’université et du travail? Université d’Eté de la FREREF: “Les transitions: tensions entre éducation, formation et emplois”, September 3-4, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Welbes, F. & Reuter, R.A.P. (2006). L’autorité du “bon professeur”: évaluation des attitudes et comportements favorables au respect des règles. 19e colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe: «L’évaluation au 21e siècle: Vers de nouvelles formes, modélisations et pratiques de l’évaluation?», September 11-13, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P., Busana, G. & Martin, R. (2005). Analyse des besoins en “eLearning pour les langues” par questionnaire en ligne. 18e colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe: «Comment évaluer? Outils, dispositifs et acteurs», October 24-26, Reims, France.
- Reuter, R.A.P., Busana G. & Martin R. (2005). Apprentissage des langues par Internet. Université Européenne d’été de la recherche et des innovations pour Apprendre tout au long de la vie, August 30-September 2, Archamps, France.
- Reuter, R.A.P., Busana G. & Martin R. (2005). Analyse des besoins pour le projet “e-Learning pour les langues” de Quattropole. Quattropole Meeting, March 1, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2003). Incidental learning of background scene context in a visual search task: No transfer to a change detection task. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Belgian Psychological Society, May 23, Brussels, Belgium.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2003). Contextual Cueing of Visuo-Spatial Attention: Exploring the effect of probabilistic contexts. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, May 23, Brussels, Belgium.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2002). Contrasting Explicit and Implicit Knowledge in Contextual Cueing of Visuo-Spatial Attention. Proceedings of the Experimental Psychology Conference: A joint meeting of the EPS and the BVP/SBP, April 9-11, Leuven, Belgium.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2002). Contextual Cueing of Visuo-Spatial Attention: Direct and Indirect Measures of Learning. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, May 31-June 3, Barcelona, Spain.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2001). Sex differences in spatial cognition: A critical test of the hunter-gatherer theory. Proceedings of the XII conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, September 5-8, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2001). Contextual Cueing of Visuo-Spatial Attention: Implicit or Explicit Learning? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, May 4, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2000). What can Evaluative Learning tell us about Implicit Learning? Summer School on “The Acquisition of Behavioral Competence”, September 22-27, Würzburg, Germany.
- Reuter, R.A.P. & Cleeremans, A. (2000). Reverse Evaluative Learning: Paradoxical Contamination of Liked/Disliked Stimuli by Neutral Stimuli. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society, May 12, Liège, Belgium.
- Delord, S., Holender, D. & Reuter, R. (1998). Prime Processing in orthographical and phonological priming: When the mask doesn’t mask the prime but the target does. Proceedings of the Xth Congress of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, September 13-17, Jerusalem, Israel.
Research Reports
- Research report (2005): Analyse des besoins 2 pour le projet ‘e-Learning pour les langues’ de Quattropole (French manuscript). Walferdange: Université du Luxembourg.
- Research report (2005): Analyse des besoins pour le projet ‘e-Learning pour les langues’ de Quattropole (French manuscript). Walferdange: Université du Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (1999). On the function of consciousness – an adaptationist perspective. Essay for the Cognitive Science course. Bruxelles, Belgique: Université libre de Bruxelles.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (1999). Review of a BBS target article: Lexical Entries and Rules of Language: A Multidisciplinary Study of German Inflection by Harald Clahsen in BBS (1999) 22 (6). Bruxelles, Belgique: Université libre de Bruxelles.
Public Outreach
- Interview with about “Lycée Ermesinde: «Depuis l’interdiction du téléphone portable, nos élèves pratiquent plus d’activités physiques» ” – 28.07.2024
- Participation at Round Table discussion RTL Télé Kloertext about “Ginn et méi krank Kanner oder gi se krank gemaach?” – 07.03.2024
- Interview with RTL Radio about “Handykonsum muss net ëmmer negativ sinn” – 09.02.2024
- Interview with RTL Télé about “Kanner kommen ëmmer méi fréi mat der digitaler Welt a Kontakt” – 09.02.2024
- Interview with RTL Télé about “Knäipziedel 2.0 oder eng Hëllef beim Léieren?” – 26.02.2023
- Interview with about “Auswirkungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz auf den Bildungsbereich” – 24.02.2023
- Interview with LW about “Wie künstliche Intelligenz die Schule verändert” – 07.02.2023
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2022). Preparing Future Teachers To Strategically Integrate Digital Media And Technologies Into Their Teaching Practices: An Insight Into Higher Education Practices At The University Of Luxembourg. Education Technology Insights Europe. November.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2021). Eng evolutiounspsychologesch Betruechtung vu “Konspiratiounstheorien” [Invited Keynote Speech]. Gleef dat net – Conspiracy theories, past and present, 10th May, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2019). Medienkompetenz? Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum? SNE, de Bulletin, 06/2019, 38-40.
- Interview with Revue about “Im Zeitsprung” – 30.08.2017
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2016). 30 Millioune Wierder méi bis 3 Joer – Op den Ufank kënnt et un… [Invited Keynote Speech]. 5th Annivery of Babbel & Krabbel, October 17th, Diekirch, Luxembourg.
- Reuter, R.A.P. (2015). We are all natural-born (conspiracy) theorists: Versuch einer evolutionspsychologischen Annäherung an das Phänomen „Verschwörungstheorie“. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 353, 37-39.
- König, A., Risch, M., & Reuter, R.A.P. (2015). Herausforderung “Mobiles Lernen”: Konzepte und Entwicklungslinien. COMPUTER+UNTERRICHT, 97, 4-7.
- Interview with Télécran about “Die Grundlagen effektiven Lernens: Zeit und sinnvolle Wiederholung” – 24.09.2014
- Interview with RTL Télé about “Ech kann mech net méi erënneren” – 03.03.2014
- Interview with Télécran about “Trügerisches Gedächtnis” – 12.02.2014