“Steep Learning Curve” or how human intuition has failed us again…

This morning, while checking tech news about all-things-mac, I’ve found a short news article about the rumored Tablet or Slate that Apple, Inc. is supposed to introduce end of January 2010. So far, nothing new… 🙂 However, Mac Essentials was reporting that Cult of Mac got a stunning piece of…

RE: Designing for anticipation, Teaching for anticipation | Punya Mishra’s Web

So what does this mean for teaching? First, everything we do as educators needs a larger goal (the big picture as it were). Too often we get lost in the minutia of of the project and forget the broader, overarching frame. The structure of our lessons, our semester, our mini-activities…

Educational Technology and Specific Learning Difficulties

During my online exploration, in search of resources on dyscalculia for a research project, I stumbled upon a software that was “designed for remediation of dyscalculia in children aged 4-8. It may also be useful for prevention of dyscalculia, or to teach number sense in kindergarten children without specific learning…

Joining ‘The Future of Education’ network

I’ve stumbled upon a website called ‘The Future of Education: Charting the Course of Teaching and Learning in a Networked World’. While reading the description — “This community is devoted to providing an opportunity for those who care about education to share their voices and ideas with others. It’s a…

TPACK: Using technology for enriched experiences of content

I’ve discovered, more by chance, the DEVOLVE website (http://www.open.ac.uk/darwin/devolve-me.php), which allows you to make a “[…] journey back in time [and] to see yourself as you would have looked as an early human”. To me, this is a nice example of a digital technology tool that allows you to have…

Book Review: “Lernen: Ein pädagogischer Grundbegriff” by Michael Göhlich & Jörg Zirfas

I’ve started to read “Lernen: Ein pädagogischer Grundbegriff” by Michael Göhlich & Jörg Zirfas a week ago. It has been recommanded to me by Pierre Fixmer (lecturer @ uni.lu) and will be one of the books we’ll use for our seminar in the Bachelor in Educational Sciences programme “Exploring Perspectives…

Book Review: “Basiswissen Multimedia – Band 2: Lernen” by Andreas Holzinger

I’ve just received and started to read A. Holzinger’s Book on Learning with Multimedia… and I’m really happy that I’ve bought this book… It’s simply exactly the book-of-reference we should have had right from the start for our “Learning with Media” seminar in the BScE. It covers every aspect of…