I’ve started to read “Lernen: Ein pädagogischer Grundbegriff” by Michael Göhlich & Jörg Zirfas a week ago. It has been recommanded to me by Pierre Fixmer (lecturer @ uni.lu) and will be one of the books we’ll use for our seminar in the Bachelor in Educational Sciences programme “Exploring Perspectives on Learning” next semester.
So far, I really like the authors’ idea that LEARNING has too long been a concept of psychology, and lately of neuroscience, while it should be a core concept of educational sciences. Personally, I think that educational sciences should indeed reclaim learning as their core research topic, but that they should also be very open to discoveries from all other scientific inquiries on learning. In this sense, I see educational sciences as an inter- and multidisciplinary research field (a crossroad) rather than as a separate and distinct scientific discipline (a bit like cognitive sciences).