Being knowledgeable at the beginning or being allowed to develop yourself?

When it comes to selecting candidates for a study program or for a job, one always has to define certain skills, knowledge contents & levels or competences that one expects the candidates to bring along into the class or the workplace… However, in life-long-learning settings, we will always have to…


Cloudworks is a social networking site for finding, sharing and discussing learning and teaching ideas and designs. via I will use this website more and more to get ideas about teaching and learning and as a resource for my initial teacher training students… Posted via web from the material…

EdTech2 Project Idea: Foreign Subtitles Help but Native-Language Subtitles Harm Foreign Speech Perception

This research paper could be used by our students for their EdTech2 action research projects. Foreign Subtitles Help but Native-Language Subtitles Harm Foreign Speech Perception “Understanding foreign speech is difficult, in part because of unusual mappings between sounds and words. It is known that listeners in their native language…

LSF Lexique: Les termes de spécialité en Langue des Signes Française

via The “LSF Lexique” is an online video database with signs for specialty concepts (for instance terms in medical sciences) in the French Signs Language. The idea is to build up (and make available) a reference database for FSL signs to represent concepts for which there are no “official”…