eLearning is about eConversation, not eDelivery

I’ve been thinking and reflecting a lot over the last years about the benefits and pitfalls of iTunesU and the like and the views that many university administrators have on eLearning… thinking that recording all lectures and putting them online will yield more and better student learning… I beg to STRONGLY disagree with such a position…

I think this recent article in Campus Technology gets it straight to the point:

Learning is not about DELIVERY of nicely packed pieces of knowledge.
Learning is about CONVERSATION about and with knowledge.

eLearning is not about electronic DELIVERY of nicely packed pieces of knowledge.
eLearning is about conversation ONLINE and OFFLINE about and with knowledge in meaningful, connected, social and cultural communities.

See also this spot from the Kaplan University… trying to convince us of the iTunesU venue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e50YBu14j3U
and compare it with this mashup, this remix, this critical conversation with the first spot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uozG9td6AE

add on 21 nov 2009: that does not mean that knowledge is not important… we need knowledge as tools for thinking.

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